

Evolution Project (EVOX) now more then ever needs a team.

If you want to be apart of the Evolution team project and you like crypto world as much as me, now is your chance !
Project needs people in any domain, currently the project is maintained by one man (ArtFix)
If u got some skills like:
- coding
- advertising
- marketing
- content graphic designer
- or if you are a quick learner and you like crypto and willing to learn more
you can now be part of Evolution project team to move on in this crypto world.

For more information about anything feel free to contact me.

Social media links and email can be fount on official website
Try to contact me on discord, telegram, email, i`ll answer faster in those 3



Evolution Network Project (EvoX)

Evolution is a project that was born from passion and learning, but same time aim to be a secure coin. In privacy we trust.